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During the past few years, we have lived in seemingly constant disruption. We have all been trying to forge our paths in many “new normal” settings, which begs the question: are we truly making the changes we want to see?
Yes, we see the horrific tragedies taking place and, most recently, another high school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, multiple shootings in the USA, and the war on Ukraine. These are terrible and heartbreaking, but we keep trying to help those in need..
We see many organizations, including Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation, continue to forge a path of change even through COVID and the economic downturn. We truly understand that we are stronger together as a “family.” So, I do believe we are making changes and making the world a better place. Chrissy Sykes’ “My Body Is My Body” program is growing daily, and we all want a world devoid of child abuse.
Recognizing that the youths are the future, we have implemented a GGAF Youth Ambassadors program to help these individuals learn and pass what they know to others in their community. We have given these individuals project-based activities to perform in their communities, and I believe this is one of the best ways to learn. Education is vital and brings many people together from different countries, cultures, religions, and ethnicities. We wanted to create an inclusive environment, so we started our learning institute to help bridge these gaps. Everyone needs to keep their minds open to lifelong learning.
For an inclusive education, we need to start building communities within our schools so that children are open to interacting with someone who may act or look different as they carry what they have learned into adulthood.
Each month we work with other nonprofits to help make a larger impact. Last month we sent additional funding to support Ukraine, funding to help with Children’s Day in Nigeria, and helped sponsor one of our GGA's from Cameroon working with refugees regarding sanitation & hygiene among young girls and young women. We have also funded leaflets for the MBIMB program in many countries.
More good things to come, and you can be part of it. We ask that you do something out of kindness to help someone and donate to our humanitarian initiatives. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated.

1) We are supporting orphanages, helping street children, and families without food in many countries. These children either starve or do not reach their full physical stature; malnutrition takes this away from them, and many die.
You can help by donating so we can send funding to our trusted partners in other countries to ensure children have food.

2) Our GGAF Learning Institute is here to help people get an education. Many do not have access to schools, and we feel that offering professional development courses will help these individuals become tomorrow’s leaders and earn a sustainable income. GGAF would like to provide 10 $500 scholarships by the end of the first quarter of 2023. You can help us do this, and I know students will love to have this opportunity. So, please help us get started on this journey.

3) The My Body is My Body program by Chrissy Sykes is vital to helping prevent all forms of child abuse, and the two free classes are offered at https://courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/courses/my-body-is-my-body-programme
Funding is needed to print leaflets and leave behind books for the children, which will allow volunteers to help the children, parents, teachers, social workers, and more so they can retain and refer to the booklets at any time.

4) The USA is also facing a hunger crisis, with many homeless families and children. We also have millions of food-insecure people who don’t know where their next meal will come from. GGAF USA just donated boxes of hope consisting of nonperishable food items to food banks in our states. But we need more, and you can help by donating at: https://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/donate

5) Ukraine: The situation with this war has continued to cause misplaced families and the families that have stayed are in danger. GGAF has donated enough for 150 birthing kits (MAMA KITS0) to help the hospitals and the expecting mothers living underground, to have a safe delivery. Please help us with this as it is needed now. Each birthing kit is $6.00/piece, and we ask that you donate and sponsor as many as possible.

The GGAF Learning Institute is growing each day. We have a new class available that everyone should take called “Cyber Security” and another new class you can preregister for that starts on July 6, 2022; “Job Search Skills and Strategies.” We will also have a class on the “12 Months of Kindness” which is something we call can do to make our world a better place.

Register for our classes at:
Our GGAF Youth Ambassadors Program is underway. Many students have already completed our two required courses and are now moving on to identify a project in one of the following categories:
Children (Child abuse prevention through MBIMB)
Helping Communities: This focuses on the community, such as checking on elderly neighbors, tutoring, and gathering food for those in need.
Protecting the Environment: Plant trees, pick up litter, recycle, and clean rivers so our ecosystem can grow. Our goal is to teach these youth ambassadors, who can, in turn, teach others in their communities for a more significant impact to make communities better.

My Body is My Body continues to grow and make larger impacts each day.
Please check out the “IS YOUR CHILD SAFE ON SNAPCHAT?” Chrissy Sykes has key information about this social media platform that all parents should know.

Chrissy Skyes has also created a wonderful way “How to explain SDGs to your child.”

You can also view the outstanding work being done by ambassadors teaching this vital program to children.
Several organizations within GGAF focused on the “Celebrations of Children’s Day” by going to schools and presenting My Body is My Body and then giving gifts such as books and snacks.

Hope Ambassadors continues with their “Water for Life” project that is needed in many African countries due to poor drinking or no drinking water.
Can you imagine having to send your children with buckets to look for water across many miles?
What about the children missing school due to searching for water or not having any water to drink for days?

WORLD MENSTRUAL HYGIENE DAY was also celebrated by educating young girls and women on hygiene and the use of menstrual pads. The organizations also provided these menstrual pads to help give dignity and good health to those without.

GGAF continues our “12 Months of Kindness” and appreciates all that helped this month by donating to food banks.

A Massive Thank You to our Sponsors this month, our donors, ambassadors, and all who support our organization.