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Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation
Thank you to our members for contributing inspirational quotes.
Each month our GGAs are committed to spreading kindness and gratitude around the world. There are so many people of all ages in our world that don't receive positive reinforcement. WE can change this as we all have the ability to do something kind for others.
There are things we can do that are free such as:
Sitting with the elderly and giving them company and comfort
Visit an orphanage and read to the children
Smile and hold the door open for a stranger
Send us your ideas and join us in this Kindness Movement.
Download our GGAF Kindness Cards and make someone smile today!

Helping The Homeless
Our world has a vi;nerable homeless population that needs our help. Your act of kindness no matter how large or small makes a difference. Making bags for those who are homeless are always helpful. The most needed items are socks as many of our homeless do not have shoes which means they may go through socks quickly. Socks also double as gloves in cold weather. Adding a kind note with each bag can lift someone's spirits.
You can also donate through our nonprofit and we'll make sure to get the most needed items to the homeless population, shelters, and food banks.

This team has inspired us to create kindness projects to help others. We'll be sharing our ideas with you each month.
We hope you will join us in our quest to put smiles on faces

February "Bags of Hope": Team GGA UK


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