Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation
GGAF Code of Ethics | Policies | Terms of Service
Message from the co-founders
Lisa Jones & Richard DiPilla
Ethics, transparency, best practices, and care when dealing with others are the building blocks of GGAF. Since our beginning, we’ve insisted that these principles guide our decision-making. Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation was born with this culture and has grown exponentially to a team of thousands of ambassadors in different countries and extends to anyone we work with.
The purpose of the Code of Ethics/Terms of Service and Conduct is to guide how we work and interact with each other in addition to our partners, donors, and other ambassadors, along with our conduct on social media and when not on social media. For this reason, it must be observed and embodied by everyone at GGAF, regardless of country within the organization.
It is essential that everyone understands and follows the rules, standards, and guidelines established here. This way, we can continue to build an ethical and respectful environment for all. This is how we will forge this path together in pursuit of fulfilling our mission of helping even more people.
We are committed to keeping children safe. Our memberships are extended to those 18 years and older. The GGAF Learning Institute requires anyone of the age of 18 to have reauthorization by Lisa Jones.
The responsibility to do the right thing lies with each one of us.
We are counting on you!
Throughout this policy, you will see the terms "Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation," “GGA or GGAF," "we," "our," and "us" – these terms refer to Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation with an exempt status according to Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3). You will also see the terms "I," "you," "your," and "yours" – these terms refer to visitors to and users of our Website. In the United States,
Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is the sole owner of the name “Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation," which is a registered trademark. In addition, the Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is the U.S. licensee of the International GGAF logo. Your use of the name and logo and/or links bearing the name and logo acknowledges GGAF's exclusive ownership of the name and/or right to use the logo. All use of or goodwill associated with the name, logo, our materials, electronic products, and/or services will inure to the benefit of GGAF or its licensors. The logo, electronic products, and services are provided without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of title or non-infringement. Use of our materials, electronic products, and/or services provided at the site is solely at your own risk.
Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is registered in the state of Minnesota, USA
Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation (GGAF) is dedicated to helping the needy and marginalized worldwide.
This Code of Ethics is established by GGAF to provide GGAF members with guidelines for their professional conduct, observe high standards of business and personal ethics during the meetings and related events, and practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling responsibilities and complying with all applicable laws and regulations.
Adherence to these principles is required to maintain membership.
Members of staff, Board of Directors, members, and meeting/event attendees must be committed to observing and promoting the highest standards of ethical conduct during the conference and related events. As such, staff, members, and attendees pledge to accept this Code as a minimum guideline for ethical conduct.
Maintain a professional level of courtesy, respect, and objectivity in all GGAF activities (online and in-person).
As a GGAF member, Leader, Board of Directors, and attendees affiliated with GGAF, we expect you to accept certain responsibilities, adhere to acceptable business principles in personal conduct, and exhibit a high degree of personal integrity at all times. Therefore, GGAF has established a basic code of ethics/terms of service by which all affiliates must abide. These standards are not intended to create contractual rights but are designed to promote efficiency, productivity, and cooperation at all GGAF events, meetings, and communications.
It is not possible to list all the forms of behavior that are considered unacceptable. As such, the following list of prohibited conduct is not exclusive and does not purport to include every type of conduct that may result in disciplinary action.
However, the list identifies types of conduct:
Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of UNA-USA/UNF property or the property of others
Falsification of any records (including, but not limited to, personnel data records, expense report records, and safety and production records) or any other dishonesty
Disrespectful or abusive conduct
Vandalizing, sabotaging, damaging, or removing without authorization any GGAF equipment or the property of other affiliates
Excessive, negligent, unnecessary, or unauthorized use of company supplies, particularly for personal purposes
Possession of any weapon or other dangerous or unauthorized materials. Conviction of a felony which has a direct relationship to your position
Failure to cooperate in a U.N. Foundation investigation
Actions that constitute discrimination and harassment. Bullying or similar abusive conduct, or sexual exploitation, or other sexual misconduct
You will also find this complete Code of ethics on our website at:
GGAF expects all members to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and ethics at times.
At the same time, GGAF’s global and local leaders and members have the additional responsibility of promoting ethical conduct and disseminating this Code to their teams, answering questions, and correctly forwarding specific demands/questions so that they can be resolved.
Respect in your relationships builds feelings of trust, safety, and well-being. GGAF expects you to be considerate of others, both in your words and in your actions. Respecting others is not making a decision about them based on their beliefs or practices.
Among other things, this means we must act in strict compliance with all local, national, and international laws and regulations applicable to GGAF.
We have many groups on LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and also Facebook. GGAF is a nonprofit organization, and we realize many of our members have nonprofits/NGOs or other organizations they want to fundraise for.
However, this is not allowed in our GGAF groups. This includes posters, messages for donations, the selling of books or any services, GoFundMe, or any other Crowdfunding link.
GGA’s are also not to approach other GGA members privately and ask for funding of any kind. We realize that we all work on donations, and what you post on your open LinkedIn post for donations is up to you, but please do not share this in our GGAF/GGA Groups. We appreciate all of our members understanding this policy as it has been signed as an agreement between
GGAF/GGA and members when joining.
As Ambassadors of the public good, all social sector organizations, regardless of mission, are called on to embrace and celebrate our common humanity and the inherent worth of all people. In doing so, we must also acknowledge that a climate of growing intolerance and inequity challenges our democratic values and ideals. Divisions along economic, racial, religious, and political lines have created an increasingly polarized society in need of healing. And the complex issues and dynamics at the intersection of race, class, gender, and sexuality call for deeper thinking as we seek to understand each other.
GGAF is an equal opportunity organization and will not allow discrimination based upon age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, national origin, disability, race, size, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, or any other status prohibited by applicable law.
Organizations must be willing and able to attest that they do not discriminate on any of the above grounds to receive resources from GGAF. External evidence, such as negative publicity or social media that reveals such discrimination, hate speech, or disrespectful or bullying behavior, as determined by GGAF in its sole discretion, may be taken into consideration. GGAF reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
The individual leaders who compose nonprofit boards reflect an organization’s values and beliefs about who should be empowered and entrusted with its most important decisions. We believe that all social sector organizations can better achieve their missions by drawing on the skills, talents, and perspectives of a broader and more diverse range of leaders and that the diversity of viewpoints that come from different life experiences and cultural backgrounds strengthens board deliberations and decision-making.
GGAF believes that the most effective boards work to build a culture of trust, candor, and respect — none of which is possible without a culture of inclusion. Boards that cultivate an inclusive culture ensure that all board members are encouraged to bring their perspectives, identities, and life experiences to their board service. An inclusive board culture welcomes and celebrates differences and ensures that all board members are equally engaged and invested, sharing power and responsibility for the organization’s mission and the board’s work.
Boards play a critical role in helping organizations understand the context in which they work and how best to prioritize resources and strategies based on that reality. An awareness of how systemic inequities have affected our society and those an organization serves enables boards to avoid blind spots that can lead to flawed strategies and creates powerful opportunities to deepen the organization’s impact, relevance, and advancement of the public good.
We will rid ourselves of any racism around the work as we become more unified and open our eyes to help those in need and learn to value all lives matter.
GGAF does not tolerate any disrespect for a person or group of people based on their characteristics such as race or ethnicity, gender, gender expression and identity, language, culture, religion, sexual orientation, national or social origin, economic status, birthplace, marital status, age, disabilities, health conditions, political opinion or any other opinion, among other differences.
GGAF does not tolerate any form of Harassment, Bias, or Discrimination in the relationship between our members, regardless of their hierarchical levels, including concerning Third Parties. Our Code of Ethics covers any unwelcome behavior that is contrary to the dignity of the human person or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or destabilizing environment in violation of the expected behaviors described in this Code. GGAF further understands that these concepts are subject to constant evolution.
GGAF is committed to an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity and are free from all forms of harassment and discrimination. Any form of harassment, even when not unlawful or directed at a protected category, is prohibited and will not be tolerated. All GGAF Members and affiliates are required to follow this policy.
Reported or suspected occurrences of harassment or discrimination will be promptly and thoroughly investigated. Following an investigation, GGAF will promptly take any necessary and appropriate disciplinary action. GGA will not permit or condone any acts of retaliation against anyone who files or cooperates in investigating harassment or discrimination complaints.
The term “harassment” includes harassment based on any category protected by federal, state or local law, which may include, but is not limited to, unwelcome slurs or verbal, graphic or physical conduct relating to an individual’s race, color, religious creed, sex, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, pregnancy, childbirth, physical disability, mental and/or intellectual disability, age, military status or status as a Vietnam-era or special disabled veteran, marital status, registered domestic partner or civil union status, familial status, gender (including sex stereotyping and gender identity or expression), medical condition (including, but not limited to, cancer-related or HIV/AIDS-related), genetic information, or sexual orientation.
Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:
Submission to such conduct is an explicit or implicit term or condition of membership and any role within GGAF.
Membership decisions are based on a potential member or current member for submission to or rejection of such conduct or such conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
If someone wishes to make an anonymous complaint, they may do so. However, the scope of GGAF's investigation may be limited based on the information provided.
All reports of alleged harassment, sexual harassment, or discrimination will be treated seriously. Confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible. However, to conduct a thorough investigation, certain information may need to be disclosed to other individuals, including the alleged offender. Consequently, absolute confidentiality cannot be promised and cannot be guaranteed.
GGAF provides members with a convenient and reliable method for reporting incidents of alleged harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. Any member who feels harassed or discriminated against is encouraged to inform the alleged offender that the behavior is unwelcome immediately.
In many instances, the person is unaware his or her conduct is offensive, and this action alone may often resolve the problem. If the informal discussion with the alleged offender is unsuccessful in remedying the problem, or if you do not feel comfortable with such an approach, you should immediately report the conduct to info@globalgoodwillambassadors.org
If someone wishes to make an anonymous complaint, they may do so. However, the scope of GGAF's investigation may be limited based on the information provided.
Once a complaint of alleged harassment, sexual harassment, or discrimination is received, GGAF will begin a prompt and thorough investigation. The investigation may include interviews with all involved employees, including the alleged harasser, and any members aware of facts or incidents alleged to have occurred.
Following an investigation, GGAF will promptly take any necessary and appropriate disciplinary action. Disciplinary action will be taken if the investigation reveals that a member has acted in a manner that is not in alignment with the goals of this policy.
GGAF is committed to an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity and are free from all forms of abusive conduct. Abusive conduct, or “bullying,” is the conduct of a GGAF member, Country Chair, Country Director, Global Board, Executive Board of Directors, CEO, COO, and VPs with malice that a reasonable person would find hostile, offensive, and unrelated to an employer’s legitimate business interests.
Our commitment includes unwelcome or unacceptable behavior, including repeated infliction of verbal abuse, such as derogatory remarks, insults, epithets, verbal or physical conduct that a reasonable person would find threatening, intimidating, or humiliating, or the gratuitous sabotage or undermining of a person’s work performance and may be directed at an individual or a group.
Bullying behavior is often persistent and part of a pattern, but it can also occur as a single incident if it is especially severe and egregious. It is usually carried out by an individual but can also be an aspect of group behavior.
GGAF stands against bullying of all types and at all ages.
GGAF will not permit or condone any acts of retaliation against anyone who files or cooperates in the investigation of bullying complaints. GGAF provides its members with a convenient and reliable method for reporting incidents of alleged harassment, including sexual harassment and discrimination. Anyone who feels harassed or discriminated against should follow the complaint procedure as described in the Anti-Harassment policy.
Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation (GGAF) believes all children have value and worth. We recognize and respect the rights of all children and uphold the four core principles of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC): non-discrimination; respect for the right to life, survival, and development; promoting the best interests of the child; and respecting the views of the child.
GGAF is committed to the safeguarding of all children within our areas of programming, irrespective of ability, ethnicity, faith, gender, sexuality, and culture.
We have zero tolerance for child abuse, exploitation, neglect, or engagement of children in child labor by staff, volunteers, consultants, partner organizations, or anyone engaged by GGAF.
Everyone engaged with GGAF programs, including but not limited to employees, volunteers, and consultants of GGAF and its program partners, are prohibited from engaging in child abuse, exploitation, neglect, and child labor. This includes the online sexual exploitation of children, viewing child pornography, possessing child pornography, or paying for pornography. Sex with a child is prohibited, regardless of laws regarding the age of consent.
Mistaken belief about the age of a child is not a defense.
Our organization is dedicated to bringing together individuals with a common goal: helping others in need. Whether you're a humanitarian, social entrepreneur, teacher, or someone with a passion for making a difference, we welcome you to join our membership. By becoming a member, you will not only gain access to a community of like-minded individuals but also have the opportunity to contribute towards positive change on a global scale. At GGAF, we understand the importance of upholding ethical principles in all that we do. As such, we ask our members to follow our Code of ethics, ensuring our actions are always guided by integrity and compassion. Together, we can make a tangible impact and address the pressing issues communities face worldwide.
Our professional process to become a GGAF Ambassador involves thoroughly evaluating candidates based on their expertise, experience, and commitment to social impact. We carefully review each applicant's qualifications, ensuring they align with our brand values and mission.
*All members must be 18 years or older
GGAF does expect each applicant to be truthful when completing the membership form and during their interview. While it is not possible to do thorough background checks due to legalities and privacy issues, GGAF will remove those who have obtained their membership by providing false information or those who break our Code of ethics.
Our criteria for consideration for GGAF membership can be found at:
https://www.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/memberships and may be subject to change at any time.
At times, when individuals break our Code of Ethics, they are removed from our organizational roster and removed from our GGAF groups. We also have people who resign as a volunteer from time to time, and when this happens, the individual is removed from our GGAF groups and roster.
GGAF reserves the right to revoke a membership at any time.
If harmful or unlawful information is given, GGAF will immediately revoke membership until said individual proves that they are innocent of all charges. It is the member or non-member's responsibility to prove that the information provided is false.
GGA’s treat everyone with respect and dignity
This HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT (this “Agreement) is between Global Goodwill Ambassadors (from now on, GGAF/GGA") and anyone who does volunteer humanitarian work using our name.
WHEREAS, volunteers will perform humanitarian work using our name GGAF/GGA. Any volunteer work using our name, Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation (GGAF), or previous name, Global Goodwill Ambassadors (GGA), and or logo.
WHEREAS, in exchange for valuable consideration, GGAF/GGA desires to hold harmless GGAF/GGA from any claims and/or litigation arising out of GGAF/GGA’s performance of the work of providing volunteer services.
GGAF/GGA and GGAF/GGA volunteers hereby agree as follows:
The Volunteer has expressed the desire to volunteer with the Nonprofit and participate in its humanitarian activities. In consideration of this opportunity, the Volunteer agrees to the following terms and conditions:
Acknowledgment of Risks: The Volunteer acknowledges that participating in humanitarian activities can involve certain inherent risks. These risks may include but are not limited to, physical injury, illness, property damage, or other potential harm. The Volunteer willingly assumes all such risks associated with volunteering for the Nonprofit.
Hold Harmless and Release: In exchange for the opportunity to volunteer, the Volunteer, as a result of this, agrees to hold harmless and release the Nonprofit, its officers, directors, employees, agents, and any other individuals associated with the Nonprofit (from now on referred to as "Released Parties") from any liability for any injuries, damages, losses, or claims, whether caused by negligence or otherwise, arising out of the Volunteer's participation in Nonprofit activities.
This release includes but is not limited to, any claims related to personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death.
The Volunteer agrees to indemnify and hold the Released Parties harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions,
or liabilities, including attorney's fees, arising out of the Volunteer's participation in the Nonprofit's activities.
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Minnesota, USA,
without regard to its conflict of laws principles.
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Volunteer and the Nonprofit with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations, and understandings. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties related to the matters specified herein and supersedes any prior oral or written statements of agreements between the Parties relating to such matters.
If any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
When photography, movies, marketing material, and other types of print (including articles) are sent to GGAF via email, these may be used in the website, blog, articles, The Ambassador, possible marketing materials, annual reports, and social media outlets.
GGAF does not appoint Ambassadors under the age of 18. When parents or guardians send photos, you give your implied agreement for the use of said photos. Please do not send photos of underage children (18 and under) without permission from the school, parent, guardian, etc. However, by posting, uploading, inputting, providing, or submitting ("Posting") your Submission, you are granting GGAF, its affiliated companies, and necessary sublicensees permission to use your Submission in connection with the operation of their Internet marketing (including without limitation, all GGAF Services), including, without limitation, the license rights to copy, distribute, transmit, publicly
display, publicly perform, reproduce, edit, translate and reformat your Submission; to publish your name in connection with your Submission; and the right to sublicense such rights to any supplier of the Services. No compensation will be paid for using your Submission, as provided herein. GGAF is under no obligation to post or use any Submission you may provide, and GGAF may remove
any Submission at any time in its sole discretion.
If you do not agree with these terms, please inform those in charge of events before attending so ensure your photo will not be taken or used by submitting a letter stating such and also copy Lisa Jones via email at lisajones@globalgoodwillambassadors.org
GGAF takes your privacy seriously and takes all steps to prevent abuse. We are not responsible for unauthorized breaches and suggest everyone follows best practices for cybersecurity. When on social media or websites, please follow best practices by keeping your internet security current. GGAF is only able to suggest that you visit trusted sites and cover your webcam when not in use.
GGAF developed and maintains www.globalgoodwillambassadors and the GGAF Learning Institute, located at
https://courses.globalgoodwillambassadors.org/ to provide our network of donors, service providers, volunteers, and constituents with information about our work and our mission. Access to and use of GGAF’s website, linking to the GGAF’s website, as well as downloading GGAF materials and content, is subject to terms and conditions set forth in these Terms of Use. Your use of the GGAF websiteconstitutes your agreement to these terms and conditions. Please note that GGAF reserves the right to alter or amend these Terms of Use at any time for any reason and without notice.
We encourage you to read the entire policy as it sets forth our understanding with you when you visit our website. These terms and conditions have been developed for your protection, as well as ours. The logo, electronic products, and services are provided without warranties of any kind, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of title or non-infringement. Use of our materials, electronic products and/or services provided at the site is solely at your own risk.
Members cannot access, encourage, or facilitate access, for themselves or others, to content or products, whether physical or digital, that infringes GGAF’s Foundation or a Third Party's intellectual property rights or Keep or use any Materials and other information, whether digital or physical, belonging to GGAF or Third Parties, legally obtained in the course of professional duties and work activity, for purposes other than professionally related and linked to
Most of the photos placed on our website are provided by our members and/or those who wish to advertise their services when donating. GGAF does not accept photos with a copyright unless the individual providing the copyright shows their "right" to use the said photo. It is up to all who contribute to ensure they have the proper license to release photos to GGAF for use, and these individuals are liable for any copyright infringement claim made. GGAF will remove photos from our website and e-magazine if the copyright infringement claim is made and substantiated.
GGAF is committed to complying with copyright and related laws and requires all Site users to comply. Accordingly, you may not store any material or content or use or disseminate any material or content through the Site in any manner that constitutes an infringement of third party intellectual property rights, including rights granted by copyright law. Owners of copyrighted works who believe that their rights under copyright law have been infringed may take advantage of specific provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 (the “DMCA”) to report alleged infringements. You may not post, modify, distribute, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information belonging to others without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights. It is the policy of GGAF to terminate the use privileges of any user who repeatedly infringes the copyright rights of others upon receipt of proper notification to GGAF by the copyright owner or the copyright owner’s legal agent.
If you feel that a posted message is objectionable or infringing, we encourage you to contact us immediately. Upon our receipt of a proper notice of claimed infringement under the DMCA, we will respond expeditiously to remove or disable access to the material claimed to be infringing and will follow the procedures specified in the DMCA to resolve the claim between the notifying party and the alleged infringer who provided the content in issue. The designated agent of GGAF (i.e., the proper party) to whom you should address such notice is listed below.
an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest;
a description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed;
a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located to permit us to locate the material;
your address, telephone number, and email address;
a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner, its agent, or the law; and
a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information contained in your report is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual property owner's behalf.
Our designated agent for notice of claims of copyright infringement can be reached at the following email:
You shall not (directly or indirectly) (i) decipher, decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to derive any source code or underlying ideas or algorithms of any part of the Website.
You shall not: (i) take any action that imposes or may impose (as determined by GGAF's sole discretion) an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on GGAF’s (or its third-party providers’) infrastructure; (ii) interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Website; (iii) bypass, circumvent or attempt to bypass or circumvent any restricted access to the Website (or other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Website); (iv) run any form of auto-responder or “spam” on the Website; (v) use manual or automated software, devices, or other processes to “crawl” or “spider” any page of the Website; (vi) frame, scrape, data-mine, extract or collect the harvest or scrape any content from the Website in any form and by any means; or (vii) otherwise take any action in violation of the Terms of Use.
This site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Website.
GGAF appreciates informational and educational uses of the GGAF website, our materials, electronic products, and/or services, including our name and logo. However, there are limits on the uses, including the use of the name and logo and the links bearing the name and/or logo.
PLEASE BE AWARE by copying and/or downloading material from the GGAF website, including our name and logo, links bearing our name and the logo, and/or using our electronic products and/or services, you agree to the terms and conditions outlined in these Terms of Use and any terms and conditions that may be outlined elsewhere on our website. Without limiting any other terms or conditions, the
permission to use the GGAF website, materials, electronic products, and/or services, including our name and logo and/or links bearing our name and logo, is subject to the following:
Use of the name and logo or links bearing the name and logo may not indicate or create an impression that GGAF endorses, approves, sponsors, or is affiliated with your products, goods, services, or website.
Your use of the name and logo or links bearing the name and logo may not indicate or create an impression that GGAF will benefit from the sale of any good or service.
Links bearing the name and logo may only be used for the purpose of linking to the GGAF website as designated within the link.
The links bearing the name and logo will always be active.
The name and logo and/or link bearing the name and logo may not be combined with any other graphic elements; nor may they be altered in any manner, including size, proportions, font, design, arrangement, colors, or elements; nor may they be animated, morphed or otherwise distorted in perspective or appearance.
The name and logo and/or link bearing the name and logo may not appear more prominently than your personal, company, product, or service website name.
You will not transfer, assign, sell, reproduce, distribute, or otherwise exploit the name and logo or your link to us.
The GGAF name and logo and/or link bearing the name and logo may not appear on any pages of any websites that include content or advertising for alcoholic beverages, tobacco, pornography, religious material, partisan material, political material, or firearms.
Appropriate action by GGAF may include, but is not limited to, the revocation of the right to use the name and logo and/or any links bearing the name and logo, in which event you agree to remove the name and logo and/or the links bearing the name and logo within two business days of notice of revocation.
It is inappropriate to use the GGAF website, our materials, including the GGAF name and logo, electronic products, and/or services for illegal, inappropriate, or obscene purposes or in support of such activities.
We define these terms as follows:
"Illegal activities" violate laws, regulations, and/or private agreements, including federal or state laws governing charitable activities, copyright laws, trademark laws, license agreements, or other intellectual property rights." Inappropriate uses" are any uses other than as permitted by these Terms of Use or as may be permitted elsewhere on our website or any other materials.
"Obscene activities" are those that violate generally accepted social standards for the use of this type of material or technology. PLEASE BE AWARE: GGAF may seek appropriate action to terminate any uses of our material, electronic products and/or services, including, but not limited to the name and logo and links bearing our name and logo, in the event we, in our sole discretion, determine that your use does not conform to any of the conditions of these Terms of Use or as provided elsewhere on our website; infringes any intellectual property or other rights of GGAF or a third party; adversely affects GGAF’s image, reputation and/or our products, services or programs; violates any applicable law, regulation or ordinance; and/or, is a prohibited activity.
Listed below are some, but not all, prohibited activities that may result in action by GGAF:
Posting, transmitting, or facilitating the promotion of illegal content through our website or electronic products and services.
Using our website, our material, electronic products, and/or services to harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another visitor or
third party that is unwanted.
Transmitting or facilitating distribution of content that is untrue, threatening, harassing, abusive, racially or ethnically offensive, vulgar, sexually explicit, obscene, defamatory, or objectionable.
Using the name and logo or links bearing the name and logo on websites that GGAF finds, in its sole discretion, to be objectionable or which includes obscene, violent, intolerant, tasteless, denigrating, or sexually-oriented content or materials.
Disrupting the flow of any chat areas with vulgar language, abusiveness, or other conduct that may disrupt normal activities.
Pretending to be anyone whom you are not (Impersonation). You may not impersonate GGAF staff, members, or anyone else.
Attempting to get a password, other account information, or other private information from others, or harvest e-mail addresses or other information.
Posting any unsolicited content or designs, including advertising and promotional materials, on our website.
Fraud is any dishonest act committed by one or more people to obtain anything of value or gain an improper advantage. These acts can involve money, goods, products, or information, but they can also be intangible advantages such as maintaining one's job. In simpler terms, committing fraud is intentionally acting dishonestly to benefit from this act. GGAF does not tolerate acts of fraud, and it is up to each one of us to look after the nonprofit’s best interests and be careful to avoid these dishonest acts, as this can have significant financial and reputational impacts on our company.
Fraud also includes impersonating another individual using their name and/or photo. This also includes not providing your government-issued name when applying for membership. If any of the questions on our membership application are filled/checked using false information, this is also considered fraud.
Selling the names, email addresses, and/or phone numbers of GGAF members is strictly prohibited.
Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to helping the marginalized and those in need and follows the USA IRS nonprofit laws as well as the Minnesota, USA charities division laws.
GGAF conducts all Fundraising efforts in the name of GGAF through the website and other legal sources, such as fundraising sites coordinated by and with express written permission from GGAF’s CEO. Raising funds in the name of GGAF is prohibited due to legalities, including nonprofit IRS guidelines. We will not sell, share, or trade our donors' names or personal information with any other entity nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.
This policy applies to all information received by the Global Goodwill Ambassadors Foundation, both online and offline, on any Platform ("Platform" includes the GGAF website and mobile applications), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications.
To the extent that any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation. Please consult your tax or financial advisor for specific questions about your gift. GGAF maintains a 501c(3) status, and donations should be tax deductible. Your donation is immediate and irrevocable.
If any person knows of or has a suspicion about misconduct, dishonesty, or fraud, the President/CEO should be contacted. If the alleged wrongdoing concerns the CEO, then another officer of the Executive Board should be contacted.
If the CEO, Chair, or other officers of GGAF receive information about the misconduct, dishonesty, or fraud, they shall inform the Board of Directors, who shall determine the procedure for investigating all credible allegations.
Investigation: GGAF's Investigation Procedure will be used as follows unless allegations of fraud, sexual exploitation, or abuse are present. In those cases, separate procedures are followed according to those policies.
When GGAF receives a report of misconduct or suspected misconduct, an investigative team will be formed to decide whether to proceed to a full investigation or conduct a preliminary investigation to gather relevant data on whether a full investigation should occur.
At all times, the privacy and reputation of individuals will be respected. There will be no punishment or other retaliation for the reporting of conduct under this policy. If the person providing the information requests anonymity, this request will be respected to the extent that doing so does not impede any investigation.
GGAF requires directors, officers, members, and volunteers to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As members and representatives of GGAF, we must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Reporting Responsibility: It is the responsibility of all directors, officers, interns, and volunteers to comply with the Code of Conduct and to report violations or suspected violations in accordance with this Whistleblower Policy.
No Retaliation: No person who in good faith reports conduct under this policy shall suffer harassment, retaliation, or adverse employment consequences. Any member who retaliates against someone who has reported conduct in good faith is subject to discipline up to and including removal of the GGAF designation. This Whistleblower Policy is intended to encourage and enable members and volunteers to raise serious concerns within GGAF before seeking resolution outside the organization.
Reporting Violations: This policy suggests that members, interns, and volunteers share their questions, concerns, suggestions, or complaints with someone who can address them adequately—for example, an Executive Board Member in the best position to address an area of concern.
GGAF-affiliated staff, volunteers, meeting attendees, external partners, or vendors can inform the Chief Executive Office of incidents or violations at any time. They can also utilize GGAF’s private ethics email address info@globalgoodwillambassadors.org, which the Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors review.
Reviewing our Code of Ethics | Terms of Service, you will find the PDF corresponding to certain reporting of incidents such as copyright infringement and other forms, including GGAF Logo Usage, at the end of the Code of Ethics | Terms of Service on our website.
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Information on the Site is provided with the understanding that GGAF is not rendering professional advice or recommendations. It would be best not to rely on any information on these pages to replace consultations with qualified professionals to meet your individual needs.